Jersey Beat Music Fanzine

Ben Franklin

SCREAMING FEMALES, No Pasaran, and Ben Franklin rocked the Kearny Irish Hall

Story and photos by James Damion

When I heard the folks from Killing Horse records were doing a show at Kearny Irish, all I could say was “Double DO.” Unfortunately for me I was talking to myself at the time. So I hopped in the Civic and headed to parts unknown, aka Kearny. Due to my lack of direction I got lost in Newark for what seemed like two nights and missed the night's opener, EULA.

As I finally arrived, I was met with the smiles of a celebratory crowd in the front. Spirits were high. It was finally Friday and everyone was up and out for a good time. As I headed inside, I met face to face for the first time with Mike Sylvia of KHR, anice, genuine guy who treated me like an old friend.

My night at Kearny Irish started quickly with a beer and Ben Franklin. This was my first time seeing the band live. It was great hearing a lot of their songs for the first time. The bands indie pop sound and energy is infectious. The energy and feedback of the drunken crowd was really a pleasure to witness and be a part of. Their new EP on Killing Horse is a nice teaser. Urging the listener to cry for more. As the band ended their set the crowd called for more and Ryan (KHR) gave them his seal of approval.

By the time !No Pasaran! took the stage, the crowd was in full swing and the dance floor went nuts. Romel, Eric and Tom are some of the best people you could meet and to see people going nuts to their music means a lot to me personally. Up until two years ago the band was a bit of a mystery to me. There infrequent shows and unreleased record ‘Credentials had garnered them a “Best band you never heard.” Reputation. Having interviewed them personally and witnessed their pure, on stage devastation is incredibly rewarding. Eric (Big Red) Munson is a maniacal lead man. His wild, writhing guitar style and frenetic style are jaw dropping. Tom is a sociopath on the drums. While Romel’s calming presence and bass playing seem to keep it all from unraveling. You here bands being compared and categorized constantly but I always feel that Clash meets Quicksand at a Fugazi shirt pressing plant. They get better with each show and cement their reputation as one of, if not the best band in Jersey. By the time they were into their second song, the entire club was literally shaking. The whole place was shaking to it’s very foundation. Just as it should have been. They’ve got a record coming out soon and need your support. Go to Killing Horse Records now. Pledge your money, your heart and your first born.

Screaming Females closed out the night - and talk about going out with a bang! Their sound was incredible. Marissa’s presence almost immediately had me conjuring images of Shilpa Ray (of Shilpa Ray & The Happy Hookers/Beat The Devil) Beautiful and intense sound that grabs your attention and holds it. You’ve got their sound in your head long after that ride home. I might say it a little bit too frequently but nights like these keep me young and reinforce my need to head into the night searching for new sounds to wash over me and keep me inspired. See you next time.

Ben Franklin

No Pasaran

Screaming Females

 is an independently published music fanzine covering punk, alternative, ska, techno and garage music, focusing on New Jersey and the Tri-State area. For the past 25 years, the Jersey Beat music fanzine has been the authority on the latest upcoming bands and a resource for all those interested in rock and roll.

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